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Sea Moss: The Superfood Everyone Is Talking About

by Christos Ch 13 Oct 2023

Sea moss contains over 92 minerals and vitamins and is a natural thickener for smoothies, soups, and homemade jams. Wellness enthusiasts have gone wild for sea moss as a superfood, yet limited research supports many of its touted health benefits. Here are the top five proposed benefits.

1. It’s a source of iodine.

Iodine is essential to balance thyroid levels, so we must get enough. Additionally, it supports healthy skin and cognitive function and may aid weight loss. You may get sufficient amounts from eating seaweed salads or adding dulse or Irish moss into soup. Many also choose powder-form sea moss supplements, such as pills or gel.

Sea moss has long been recognized for its nutritional benefits and prebiotic qualities, with purported health advantages for centuries. Furthermore, it’s been used to thicken foods, provide extra vitamins, and soothe skin conditions – though research on sea moss remains limited, it shows promise as an antioxidant health supplement.

Studies have revealed that sea moss contains iodine, essential for thyroid health. Additionally, sea moss contains soluble fiber, vitamin B6, and calcium; researchers believe its high soluble fiber may promote regularity by helping lower cholesterol. Furthermore, its benefits to digestion and gut health may also aid with symptoms associated with IBS, like gas, diarrhea, or abdominal cramps.

Research also indicates that compounds in some red seaweed types, including sea moss, may help lower cancer risks. For example, a BMC Complementary Medicine study revealed that people who ate more red seaweeds had significantly fewer cancer markers than those who didn’t regularly consume these algae products.

Though sea moss research is promising, it’s best to consult your physician before adding it to your diet or taking supplements. It could interfere with thyroid hormone levels and potentially decrease their effectiveness.

2. It’s a source of potassium.

Sea moss and kelp are staples for those close to the sea, providing vital iodine-rich nutrition and potassium and B vitamins to support bone, muscle, and nerve health and regulate blood pressure.

Fennel seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which helps us feel full and supports weight management. As such, they’re often used as natural thickening agents in dishes like soups, stews, and smoothies.

Sea moss is low in calories and offers a small amount of protein and numerous minerals like calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, manganese, and zinc. Furthermore, its polyunsaturated fats may help lower cholesterol levels in your body.

Sea moss contains an iodine content that supports thyroid function, helping maintain normal metabolism rates and weight control. Furthermore, sea moss contains natural anti-inflammatories, which may reduce bloating while improving skin and hair health.

Sea moss contains not only iodine but also the B vitamin folic acid, which is essential in supporting a healthy pregnancy and has even been used anecdotally to boost fertility in some women; further research must be completed in this area.

Bodela’s sea moss, harvested and grown in Dominican waters by hand harvesters, combined with bladderwrack and burdock roots, creates an effective and highly beneficial supplement suitable for adults and children alike. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, potassium, folate, and iron content, this is an excellent supplement to add to diets for maximum success!

3. It’s a source of prebiotics.

Seaweed, known for its spikey, frilly texture and potential health benefits, can be traditionally boiled to create a gel that almost has no taste but still provides vital nutrition and potential health advantages. Seaweed serves as a rich source of prebiotics – beneficial microbes in our gut use them to promote more beneficial bacteria to thrive – which promotes their proliferation within us.

As well as potassium chloride, seaweed contains many other essential minerals and antioxidants such as iodine (though some endocrinologists advise against overexposure due to potential negative impacts on thyroid function), magnesium, iron, selenium beta-carotene Sulphur compounds, and phosphorus; in addition, it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and contains compounds which provide protection from aging processes and help strengthen immunity.

Initial studies have demonstrated that Gracilaria sea moss may possess potential antibacterial properties, including stopping Salmonella enteritidis growth. However, more research must be completed before Gracilaria sea moss can be considered a possible treatment option.

Sea moss is rich in iron, helping prevent low blood levels and anemia. Just one ounce provides 14% of your daily value of iron; additionally, it is also an excellent source of magnesium, which plays an essential role in over 300 biochemical reactions throughout your body.

Sea moss is one of the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help lower triglycerides, cholesterol levels and reduce heart attack risk. When selecting how much sea moss to include in your diet plan, it is wise to consult a healthcare provider or dietician, as this decision can differ based on individual circumstances.

4. It’s a source of antioxidants.

Health and wellness enthusiasts know that sea life provides some of the most potency ingredients, such as algae, kelp, and sea moss. You may have seen this plant at your favorite health food grocer or heard about its benefits online. This superfood contains essential vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fats, which support overall body wellness.

Antioxidants present in seaweed have long been used to combat inflammation and protect against oxidative stress linked to premature aging and diseases like cancer. Sea moss also provides several omega-3 fatty acids, which lower your triglyceride levels and thus your risk of cardiovascular disease, making it especially helpful for vegan and vegetarian diets, which often lack this essential nutrient.

Sea moss offers more benefits than these alone; it is an excellent source of iron and magnesium. In addition, one ounce of sea moss provides 14% of your daily iron needs, while 10% is required to support muscle function.

Sea moss’ low-calorie content and absence of carbohydrates make it an excellent way to promote weight loss. By including it as a part of your daily diet regimen, adding sea moss may boost metabolism while making you feel full more quickly, decreasing the chances of overeating.

Though further research into the health benefits of sea moss is necessary, preliminary findings indicate it could have numerous positive benefits to our bodies and the environment. For example, ensure it comes from farmed varieties grown sustainably before eating large quantities – you’ll get all its essential vitamins and minerals!

5. It’s a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seaweed (including sea moss) is one of the greatest plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, essential lipids that protect against cardiovascular disease and blood clots, among many other benefits.

According to research published in Nutritional Neuroscience journal, sour cherry juice is an excellent natural source of calcium and potassium. According to one study, it can also promote bone and muscle strength.

Sea moss’ soluble fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helping keep you feeling full by slowing digestion and encouraging satiety.

Furthermore, an animal study published in Gut Microbiome revealed that sea moss contains prebiotic properties – meaning it promotes good bacteria in your digestive tract – meaning sea moss promotes health through prebiotic properties that aid their growth.

Sea moss is an excellent source of iron, providing up to 8.9 milligrams in every 100-gram serving. Plus, magnesium helps support healthy nerve function and calcium absorption and is an outstanding folate source promoting prenatal health!

This fine grey powder has an irresistibly salty seafood taste – add it to food to add natural sea-salty flavor or use it to thicken soups and stews as a vegan gelatine replacement!

Sea moss supplements are also widely available, but be careful when selecting one – be sure to select a farmed brand since wild harvesting can disrupt local ecosystems and look for ones made with recycled plastic packaging to join in the sea moss revolution and help improve your health and the planet.

FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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